1. Petition your government

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the fundamental and international agreement on what human rights are, and so must be known and applied throughout the world.
Make your voice heard. Make human rights education in schools and universities part of the curriculum. You can ensure human rights are learned and demanded by everyone, by signing this petition.
2. Create or Share a Link to us

Create or share a link to us ( from your website or the website of your organization or educational institution.
3. Start A Group

Do you want to take an active role in initiating activities and forwarding the cause of human rights in your community or professional area? The most effective thing you can do is start a group!
4. Launch Petition Drives

From your own group you can immediately launch petition drives and send letters to legislators asking that they enact human rights legislation (and in turn prevent legislation that endangers human rights).
5. Obtain Copies of The Story of Human Rights Film and Human Rights Public Messages

Start showing these films to your friends and colleagues. Special editions of the booklets are available for youth.